Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 17

Okay I am totally willing to admit a really bad weakness I have. 
I LOVE fountain drinks. 
Well really I LOVE crushed ICE. 
It is all about the ice you know. 
Well, we have had one financial set back after another lately and it is helping us to learn some good lessons and really focus and take control of our finances.
The one big commitment we have made and this is HUGE for a busy mom with teenage boys. 
We are starting with little steps. 
So the first step is for 21 days. 
Because you know the saying "21 Days to create a habit". 
So we started on the 14th and we are making it.
 I am talking not even a hot dog from QT or a .99 hamburger from McDonalds. 
We did agree our one splurge would be a $5 budget a week  for fountain drinks from Circle K since they are only .79. 
So today, as silly as it seems,
 I am so grateful for my crushed ice and Diet Dr. Pepper !!!!
(and for all you locals - if you are ever by PVCC - the Circle K on the SW corner (used to be an AM PM) has the best crushed/shaved ice I have ever had !!!

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