Monday, June 20, 2011


every morning,

ask yourself not "what do i need to DO today?"

but "how do i need to BE today?"
focus on how you can be YOUR authentic, best self.

~shannon mcfayden

Thanks to my dear friend Connie for posting this quote. What a wonderful reminder for me every morning. In fact I think I will print it and laminate it and put it on bathroom mirrors.

Just last night our family home evening lesson was on the difference between DOING and BECOMING and so this was just the perfect quote to sum it all up. Coleton brought home an EFY DVD that has 6 Family Home Evening lessons on them and the first one was 

it taught that there is a BIG difference in DOING and BECOMING. And our goal is to BECOME. For instance, a person can go and participate in a service project, but that doesn't always mean they are SERVING unless they are doing it out of love. A person can attend church without really worshipping. A person can be nice to someone without forgiving them for something and they could possibly still be holding in hard feelings. 

So my goal is to really work on BECOMING and not just DOING.

What an amazing week Coleton had at EFY - I am sooo happy he went.

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