Thursday, July 8, 2010

So when I miss her . . . . .

I can kinda get a Marissa fix by scrapbooking pages of her and when I see her picture it brings a smile to my face. Of course then I miss her even more. What is a mom to do ???

I have a Memory Mixer class tonight and the digital content is called "My Country Porch". It automatically brought to mind this cute blue house Marissa lived in for awhile with friends right by BYU and the Brick Oven. Funny - it doesn't even have a porch, but it reminds me of something special. Something special these girls had when they lived there. That is where Marissa met Adrienne. I can remember when she met her and she told me "Mom, she is like my soul sister. She get's me. We get each other" The formed a bond like no other. I remember how happy Marissa was in the Blue House and I think that is what makes me love it so much. It is a good place that was filled with love, Laughter and friendship.
Then there are these three - best friends forever.
 I love these girls. Even though they are miles apart - Marissa in Washington, Emily in AZ and Kandis on a mission in New York - I hope they never forget the love they felt for each other as they grew up and shared their lives together. 
Okay - sorry for the sappy post. I gotta go get ready for my class and finish some stuff around the house and farm out my boys.

Have a fabulous Day !!!!

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