Sunday, July 4, 2010

Being Grateful . . . . . .

I feel so blessed to be an American and I am thankful to those who serve our country and have made sacrifices so that we can each enjoy the life we do here in the beautiful USA. I am so grateful for our soldiers that they have chosen to help protect our freedoms and reach out and help people in other countries who are not as fortunate as we are to enjoy these freedoms. I am so grateful for the military families and the continued sacrifice they make on our behalf. I am grateful for and I pray for the leaders and all those who make decisions on behalf of this great country. I am grateful for family and the opportunity to spend time with them. On this day July 4, 2010 I feel blessed . . . . . .

I have a wonderful husband whom I will celebrate 23 years of marriage with tomorrow. We have definitely had our ups and downs, but the must important thing is that we always find our way back up and we are happy  - I am blessed

My mom lives close, I get to see her often and she is always willing to help when needed - I am blessed.

I have a job that allows me the flexibility to work from home and go to school - I am blessed.

I get to work for and travel with one of my best friends and work with amazing store owners (whom some have become some of my best friends) - I am blessed.

I have a husband who works REALLY hard for our family - I am blessed.

I have REALLY good kids - I am blessed.

I have a cell phone and with that cell phone I can call and chat with Marissa - I AM blessed

I am flying Marissa home next month to spend a few days with us - I am totally blessed.

I have the most wonderful grand baby in the whole world who is strong and is facing life's challenges at such an early age with vigor and strength - she is a little firecracker - I am blessed 

I have wonderful sister-in-laws that are just as good as the real thing for me - I am blessed.

We live so close my kids can go play with cousins and grow up with them - We are blessed.

I have the 2 most fabulous brothers in the world who are always there for me - I am blessed.

My in-laws live near by and love my kids with all their heart - I am blessed.

I have some of the most wonderful friends in the whole world who are just like sisters to me - I am blessed.

I know my Heavenly Father loves me is watching over me all the time- I am blessed.

I am going to be a missionary mom next month - I am blessed.

My kids and I just got to spend the weekend with Marge - we are blessed.

I have an amazing ward family - I am blessed.

I know that at anytime, anywhere, no matter where you are, I can pick up a phone and call a bishop in a church and they would be willing to help and serve in any capacity at anytime whatever the need may be - I feel blessed.

I could go on and on because I know I am forgetting many things - but I have realized how important it is to stop and recognize the things we have been blessed with, and recognize that we really do have a Heavenly Father who is watching out for us . . . . and the bottom line is - I am so blessed.

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