Day 13 - I am so grateful to have such a sweet little granddaughter who brings so much joy to my life. Malorie is 18 months old this week and so full of spunk and personality. She is at the age where she will repeat almost everything you say. And she greets everything with a smile and a "Hi". I love her !!! More than any words can ever express !!!! When people say being a grandma is the best - believe them. I have a friend that has a little saying that I now have begun to understand. She says "I would die for my kids, but I would double die for my grandbabies" I now completely understand the depth of this love. I love my kids more than anything in this world. But when I first held my childs baby in my arms. I just can't find the words to explain it. I love her. Hopefully all my children will end up close as they raise their children or I just might have to convince them to let their kids come live with me and they can come visit them !!!

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