I am thankful for November. I love the month of November and the Thanksgiving season and the opportunity to reflect upon the things I am grateful for. An opportunity to remind me to try and have that "attitude of gratitude" all year long. The opportunity to enter the Christmas season with a heart full of gratitude.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Day 29
I know I need to catch up and finish posting my 30 days of Gratitude posts. But today my heart is full of gratitude and love for the safe arrival of my sweet grandbaby
Delainie McKay Archer
So happy for her safe arrival. Mom, Dad, Big Sister Malorie and baby Laninie are all home and doing well.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Day 28
So many things to be grateful for that I am surely not going to be able to do separate posts for. Just another reminder to me to carry this attitude of gratitude with me always. Grateful for - my hard working husband, left-overs and a family that will eat them (sometimes), wonderful friends (old and new) and the support and love they offer me, a wonderful ward family, the opportunity to be a visiting teacher and visit some fabulous women who I truly gain so much from, fabulous seminary teachers and their dedication to get up every morning and help my kids (<3 Mylie) , the ability to work from home, for Mondays which are my catch up days, and really today I am thankful for my crazy, busy life.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Day 27
How grateful I am for the birth of my Savior
Jesus Christ, His Atonement, the promise of resurrection, the
promise to enjoy eternal life with my family, the Restoration of
the Gospel, the blessings of the priesthood and the
companionship of the Holy Ghost.
Grateful for the foundation of faith and the structure of gospel
living that my parents instilled, and is reinforced through my
own experience, which has carried me through the joys and
challenges of this crazy little life of mine.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Day 24 - Thanksgiving
So grateful to spend this day with our family !!!
Thanksgiving is a time for families and friends to gather together and express gratitude for all that we have been given, the freedoms we enjoy, and the loved ones who enrich our lives. We recognize that all of these blessings, and life itself, come not from the hand of man but from Almighty God . . . On this day, let us all give thanks to God who blessed our Nation's first days and who blesses us today. May He continue to guide and watch over our families and our country always. -- President George W. Bush
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Day 23
Today as I reflect upon the many blessings of my life I am so very grateful for my family and my ancestors.
For the sacrafices they made and for the foundation they set for our family.
I want to be the best grandma I can be because of the role models that have been set before me.
I have such fond memories of time spent with all of my grandparents.
My Grandma & Grandpa Terry

and my Grandma Harper

I only have one grandma still with me today, my dads mom. That is a picture of her with my dad when he was little and then with grandad a few years ago. I cherish my relationship with her and how I love to learn all I can from her. I am not sure I will ever be ready for the time to come when she passes to the next life to be with my dad and grandad and her parents and other family members. Even though I know it will happen, sooner than later. I need to just enjoy the time and conversations that I have with her.
30 Days of Gratitude,
Attitude of Gratitude,
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Day 22
How grateful I am for my family. My immediate family, my extended family and my in-laws.
I feel blessed to have them. No matter how crazy life gets - your family is always there.
There is always that special connection you share. Our family is not perfect. But we can do our best to perfectly love each other in all we do. Not to judge. Just love. One of my favorite quotes that I recently read and now I have posted on my desk
"Never let a problem to be solved become more
important than a person to be loved."
I hope that my family will always
love me in spite of my imperfections.

Monday, November 21, 2011
Day 21
Today I am grateful to my husband for being humble and logical.
On Friday, November 18, 2011 his Jeep finally died. 287,000 miles and 18 years old. It was time to move on.
Even though we have been proud that we have not had a car payment for over 10 years and we were hoping to make it till this summer when Dylan returned home from his mission, we have spent alot of money on car repairs. And sometimes you never know how much that might be. So as we spent the weekend going back and forth on what we should do, we finally took the plunge and bought a new car.
(Well not brand new - it has 20,000 miles on it)
But here is what I am most grateful for. I sent Don out alone. To face those car sales men all on his own. And, my husband was willing to go car shopping when we had NO money. All he had was a broken down jeep. In his heart he wanted another jeep or truck. The boys wanted dad to have a COOL manly car. But the reality is, my husband drives 32 miles one way to work everyday. That is about 65 miles a day in just work miles. Our gas bill every month is outregeous.
So I had sent him out shopping without much to bargain with. Every "manly car" or even "big family car" he walked by called his name. But everytime he came close to deciding on one of those he must have heard my voice in his head saying "Are you kidding me"
But he gave up any selfish desires of the "cool manly car" and at the end of the day came home with a very economical car.
For that I am so thankful !!!
So goodbye Jeep (18 freeway miles to the gallon)
Hello Cobalt (35 freeway miles to the gallon)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Day 20

Today I am thankful for Memory Mixer. Truly a software program that changed the way I preserve memories. I am still a paper & glue scrapper. But I have learned that it is okay to do both. Memory mixer allows me to document my memories instantly.
I love it !!!! And I use it almost daily !!!!
www.memorymixer.com they are also on FB https://www.facebook.com/MemoryMixer
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Day 19
Today I am grateful for my extended family. I may not have any sisters by birth but I sure got alot when I married into the Paolacci family. I am thankful for each one of them, for they have influenced our life and the lives of my children. I can feel their genuine love and concern for our family and for this I am grateful. They each have chosen fabulous spouses who we love just as much and our kids have the most awesome cousins !!! We love Family !!!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Day 18

I am grateful for FRIDAYS !!!
A couple weeks ago I asked Don if it would be okay for me to escape to my moms empty Condo on Friday nights and work on Christmas presents.
He was totally game which made me so happy.
Not that I have gotten a ton of stuff done.
In fact I have only completed one project thus far. But I have laid out plans for the rest to accomplish over the next couple of weeks.
And it has just been a nice break from the hustle and bustle of my busy, busy life.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Day 17
Okay I am totally willing to admit a really bad weakness I have.
I LOVE fountain drinks.
Well really I LOVE crushed ICE.
It is all about the ice you know.
I LOVE fountain drinks.
Well really I LOVE crushed ICE.
It is all about the ice you know.
Well, we have had one financial set back after another lately and it is helping us to learn some good lessons and really focus and take control of our finances.
The one big commitment we have made and this is HUGE for a busy mom with teenage boys.
We are starting with little steps.
So the first step is for 21 days.
Because you know the saying "21 Days to create a habit".
So we started on the 14th and we are making it.
I am talking not even a hot dog from QT or a .99 hamburger from McDonalds.
The one big commitment we have made and this is HUGE for a busy mom with teenage boys.
We are starting with little steps.
So the first step is for 21 days.
Because you know the saying "21 Days to create a habit".
So we started on the 14th and we are making it.
I am talking not even a hot dog from QT or a .99 hamburger from McDonalds.
We did agree our one splurge would be a $5 budget a week for fountain drinks from Circle K since they are only .79.
So today, as silly as it seems,
I am so grateful for my crushed ice and Diet Dr. Pepper !!!!
(and for all you locals - if you are ever by PVCC - the Circle K on the SW corner (used to be an AM PM) has the best crushed/shaved ice I have ever had !!!
I am so grateful for my crushed ice and Diet Dr. Pepper !!!!
(and for all you locals - if you are ever by PVCC - the Circle K on the SW corner (used to be an AM PM) has the best crushed/shaved ice I have ever had !!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Day 16
I am grateful to have such an amazing first born.
I truly could not have asked for a better girl to raise.
I have truly missed her since she has grown up and moved away but she has spread her wings and had many wonderful life experiences. She has traveled and explored and had so many adventures. I hope and pray that one day when it comes time to raise a family she will settle down a little closer to home so we can enjoy spending time with her. She is absolutely such an amazing girl.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Day 15
I am so grateful for my mom and her very unselfish choice to go and serve a
mission for our church.
What an amazing example she is to us by showing unconditional love to all those she serves. Even though I miss her and know that her help around here right now would be so nice, I know that as she serves faithfully, the Lord will watch over and bless her family. Thank you mom for serving with all your heart and being such a wonderful example of love and service for your family and all those that love you. The women in Maryland are so very lucky to have you for awhile.
you can follow my moms mission blog here
Monday, November 14, 2011
Day 14
Day 14 - Today I am grateful for Karleigh !!!
Sometimes it is so hard to wrap my head around the fact that my baby girl is 18 !!!
Crazy !!! She is awesome in so many ways.
Tonight I was the beneficiary of her cooking skills - she made me the yummiest Perogies for dinner. I am a lucky mom - I ♥ You Girly !!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011
Day 13
Day 13 - I am so grateful to have such a sweet little granddaughter who brings so much joy to my life. Malorie is 18 months old this week and so full of spunk and personality. She is at the age where she will repeat almost everything you say. And she greets everything with a smile and a "Hi". I love her !!! More than any words can ever express !!!! When people say being a grandma is the best - believe them. I have a friend that has a little saying that I now have begun to understand. She says "I would die for my kids, but I would double die for my grandbabies" I now completely understand the depth of this love. I love my kids more than anything in this world. But when I first held my childs baby in my arms. I just can't find the words to explain it. I love her. Hopefully all my children will end up close as they raise their children or I just might have to convince them to let their kids come live with me and they can come visit them !!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011
Day 12
So grateful I did not fall asleep driving home from Tucson.
I went from one end of the state to the other.
I am so tired after 2 long travel days. But I love my stores and I
knew I wanted to make sure that I got to visit them before my
new grand baby arrives maybe even this week.
I was so tired driving home last night
I was so tired driving home last night
You know the kind of tired where you keep stopping to get
out and move around.
I was so thankful that I arrived home safely and I could go
straight in and cuddle up in my nice comfy bed.
My couriosity is peaked . . .
So recently I have seen a number of friends post reviews about this movie . . .
I think I need to make time to go and see it . . . Maybe a date night with my hubby . . .
My friend Heather says -
Wow. "Courageous." Best movie this year. May God bring a COURAGEOUS man into my life in His own time.....and help ME to be WORTHY of that man. And may God make ME COURAGEOUS enough to stand alone for as long as it takes for Him to bring such a man into my life. Because I. Will. Not. Settle. For. Less.
With reviews like this . . . I gotta go see it
Friday, November 11, 2011
Day 11
So grateful for the freedoms we enjoy as Americans.
Thankful for those men and women who serve to protect those freedoms.
I am especially thankful for my sister-in-law and brother-in-law.
Don's sister Melissa and her husband Rob.
Since they have been married Rob has served in two tours in Iraq and Melissa has stayed home with 2 little boys and supported his efforts.
They both have made such HUGE sacrifices and all the while he is proud and eager to serve our country and Melissa does an amazing job supporting him. She works full time, raises 2 darling little boys, teaches on-line classes, volunteers on committees, etc . . .
She is amazing !!!!!

Thank you Rob, Melissa and all those who serve our country and all the families that support them !!!!
30 Days of Gratitude,
Attitude of Gratitude,
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Day 10
Day 10 - Grateful for modern medical technology and lot's of faith and prayers. My daughter
Morgan was diagnosed with placenta previa at 16 weeks and told she would need to
have a c-section delivery. She has been on bedrest for 7 weeks and today at her ultra sound
appointment the babys head was right up against her cervix with the placenta out of the way
and she will be able to have a regular delivery. So much to be grateful for !!!!
30 Days of Gratitude,
Attitude of Gratitude,
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Day 9
I am grateful to be able to spend my Wednesdays with Adelle. She has taught me so much in the time I have been caring for her. I have learned so much and have become sensitive to what it must be like to be an elderly person that once was on top of their game, that was in complete control of everything, and over time has lost the ability to care for oneself. She gets so frustrated because she so badly wants her independence back. But over time she is learning that it is okay to have help. I try and give her all the space and freedom I can while keeping her safe keeping her company. I have also learned that I really do love caring for the elderly and doing in home health care. It has been the perfect way to supplement my income while the economy recovers. I am grateful for Adelle !!!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Day 8
Today I am so thankful for my brother-in-law Paul. He is super, duper smart when it comes to computers. I love to cook and he fixes computers so it seems to be a good exchange. I am really not sure what we would do without him. He is always willing to help his family out and for that I am grateful. I love his company and he can work wonders with computers. So originally HP quotes Karleigh $350 starting price to fix her computer. Paul came over and two hot dinners later, a new $30 memory card, defrag, updates, patches and all that fancy computer stuff that he does and she is up and running. How grateful I am that different family members have different talents to share. I just hope that I can bring to the table things of value for others and help them the way others have helped me.
Thanks Paul - we think you are awesome !!!
30 Days of Gratitude,
Attitude of Gratitude,
Thanksgiving Turkey for our Missionary
Since Thanksgiving is an American Holiday and Dylan will miss all the fun festivities like the "Turkey Bowl" and a Turkey dinner. In fact it is just another day in Peru. A fun idea we are doing for Dylan is sending him "Tom The Turkey". I printed this Turkey on cardstock and then cut the feathers off by cutting around his feet, body and head. They I cut feathers out of cardstock and I am having friends and family write messages on them. I will attach a glue dot to the end of each feather so he can assemble his Turkey on Thanksgiving and know how much we are all grateful for him. An envelope usually only takes about 10 days so I hoping if I mail him on Thursday he will receive him on time.
Missionary Work,
Monday, November 7, 2011
Day 7
I am so grateful for modern technology. How lucky I am to sit down to my computer on Monday mornings and see a message that says
"Hi Mom ! Are you there ? "
I LOVE that we now have email instead of snail mail. I often find it funny when I listen to moms who say "well back in the day we would have to wait weeks and weeks for letters to arrive in the mail. You know it is like the "I had to walk a hundred miles in the snow to get to school". So I am so happy that I am a missionary mom TODAY and I can email my missionary every Monday.
Don't ask me to make plans on Monday morning. There is a reason I have a "home office day" every Monday. I am sure you can already picture me hugging my computer. Call me a freaky missionary mom, it is what is, but I love my boy.
Time really is going so fast. One of Dylan's best friends Coy is coming home next Wednesday, which just seems crazy !!! And Dylan will be coming home the end of July. Really it is just around the corner.
You hear all the rumors how a mission changes a young man. Well believe them. They are true. First of all, the fact that my son can speak like he was born and raised in South America blows me away. That my son LOVES the very humble conditions in which he lives. That my son, a boy with the last name Paolacci, the son of Don Paolacci (if you are one of my children you know exactly what I mean) LOVES to be up by 6am. That my son quickly begins to LOVE the people that he serves. In fact he has so much LOVE for these people that his heart is about to burst. The fact that I know he LOVES his family, he LOVES home and he LOVES his friends here. But the thought of coming home and leaving the people of Peru is something he cannot and does not even want to imagine. I should not be surprised because I always knew he would grow into an incredible young man, but I am totally blown away.
I can tell by pictures that he is still our fun, loving Dylan. He has the ability to make everyone he serves with and everyone he meets feel at ease and he is a true friend to all.
He has turned into an amazing teacher, leader and friend. He loves to serve others and finds so much happiness helping people. His love for the gospel is so deep. He loves the Savior and he is a wonderful example of the sharing the love our Savior has for us. He is giving 110% to his mission. He knows he will never get these 2 years back and he is giving it his all and it shows. He has lost himself in the work and it shows. I miss him, but I feel so blessed that he is such an amazing missionary and the service that he gives now will bless him for the rest of his life.
want to follow his mission - http://elderpaolacci.blogspot.com/
"Hi Mom ! Are you there ? "
I LOVE that we now have email instead of snail mail. I often find it funny when I listen to moms who say "well back in the day we would have to wait weeks and weeks for letters to arrive in the mail. You know it is like the "I had to walk a hundred miles in the snow to get to school". So I am so happy that I am a missionary mom TODAY and I can email my missionary every Monday.
Don't ask me to make plans on Monday morning. There is a reason I have a "home office day" every Monday. I am sure you can already picture me hugging my computer. Call me a freaky missionary mom, it is what is, but I love my boy.
Time really is going so fast. One of Dylan's best friends Coy is coming home next Wednesday, which just seems crazy !!! And Dylan will be coming home the end of July. Really it is just around the corner.
You hear all the rumors how a mission changes a young man. Well believe them. They are true. First of all, the fact that my son can speak like he was born and raised in South America blows me away. That my son LOVES the very humble conditions in which he lives. That my son, a boy with the last name Paolacci, the son of Don Paolacci (if you are one of my children you know exactly what I mean) LOVES to be up by 6am. That my son quickly begins to LOVE the people that he serves. In fact he has so much LOVE for these people that his heart is about to burst. The fact that I know he LOVES his family, he LOVES home and he LOVES his friends here. But the thought of coming home and leaving the people of Peru is something he cannot and does not even want to imagine. I should not be surprised because I always knew he would grow into an incredible young man, but I am totally blown away.
I can tell by pictures that he is still our fun, loving Dylan. He has the ability to make everyone he serves with and everyone he meets feel at ease and he is a true friend to all.
He has turned into an amazing teacher, leader and friend. He loves to serve others and finds so much happiness helping people. His love for the gospel is so deep. He loves the Savior and he is a wonderful example of the sharing the love our Savior has for us. He is giving 110% to his mission. He knows he will never get these 2 years back and he is giving it his all and it shows. He has lost himself in the work and it shows. I miss him, but I feel so blessed that he is such an amazing missionary and the service that he gives now will bless him for the rest of his life.
want to follow his mission - http://elderpaolacci.blogspot.com/
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Day 6
I am so grateful for my opportunity to serve and teach the little children at church.
I am the Sunbeam teacher and it is a calling I absolutely LOVE !!!!
I teach the 3 & 4 year olds. Well now most of them are 4 & 5.
These are just 6 of the cute kids I teach. I actually have 4 more that were not there. Actually they all have not been there all at once. But it is my goal before the end of the year to have all of them there. Quite a handful - but what an honor and privilege to be able to teach them.
One of the first songs that many Latter-day Saint children learn is “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam,” a song that is sung in a number of other Christian churches also.
It is a favorite of most children at church, particularly the younger ones.
My own kids loved it and its hand actions (i.e., fists bursting open whenever the word beam is sung) when they were little. I can remember when each one of them started primary and were Sunbeams. I am so happy that I get to be part of forming a strong foundation for these little children who I truly love with all my heart.
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam;
To shine for Him each day,
In every way try to please Him,
At home, at school, at play.
A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.
A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
I’ll be a sunbeam for Him.
Jesus wants me to be happy
And kind to all I see,
Showing how pleasant and happy
His little one can be.
A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.
A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
I’ll be a sunbeam for Him.
(Lyrics by Nellie Talbot; music by Edwin O. Excell; #60 in Children’s Songbook)
The sunbeam’s physical characteristics of light, brightness, and warmth make it a very appropriate symbol of what followers of Christ — young, old, and in-between — should want and try to be: someone who radiates the truth, joy, love, and other qualities of the Son of God to people around them. Considering the natural love for learning new things, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, and unconditional love of three- and four-year old children, the sunbeam also serves as a perfect name for the youngest class (after the nursery) in the LDS children’s organization, the Primary.
I am so thankful that each Sunday I get to spend 2 hours with these cute little ones and I’m happy that Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam teacher and will try my best to be a good Sunbeam teacher for the children — and for Him!
“For children all over the world, we say: ‘Take my hand. Hold on tight. We will stay on the path together back to our Heavenly Father.’”
-Rosemary Wixom
to learn more about our faith visit mormon.org
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Working really hard to live this . . .
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have
into enough, and more. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house
into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of
our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for
tomorrow -Melody Beattie
Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude 30 Day Photo Challenge
I am a few days late, and this may be a TRUE challenge with the crazy
November we may have before us
But I really want to give it a try - how about you join me ? Make sure to leave me a comment if you decide to join me so we can follow each other.
Day 5
I am thankful that I can work and help to contribute to raising this family that just keeps getting bigger and bigger (and I am loving it)
I have an amazing job in the scrapbook industry that allows me to work with amazing people. I feel like I have been truly blessed to have met my now dear friend Janna in the scrapbook store about 8 years ago and I had the opportunity to start working for her.
I truly have the best job that allows me to work from home and spend my days with the owners and employees of the best scrapbook stores in the world who have truly become some of my best friends. To work for the best manufactures in the industry. All while enjoying the craft I love and sharing with people my passion for preserving your family story and creating memories that will last for generations.
I truly have the best job that allows me to work from home and spend my days with the owners and employees of the best scrapbook stores in the world who have truly become some of my best friends. To work for the best manufactures in the industry. All while enjoying the craft I love and sharing with people my passion for preserving your family story and creating memories that will last for generations.
Did I tell you I love my job ? And I Love this girl !
Check out what I do
find our page on FACEBOOK and "LIKE" us
Check out what I do
find our page on FACEBOOK and "LIKE" us
Friday, November 4, 2011
Day 4
Day 4 - So many things to be grateful for. If I really challenge myself I could probably do this
all year. But today especially I am so grateful when I receive a message from my sister-in-law
on busy Friday morning and she says "Hey can I help out today and take Morgan and Trent
dinner?" I love her. How awesome. She has done this for the last 4 weeks. I never asked her.
She just does it. ♥ ♥ ♥
30 Days of Gratitude,
Attitude of Gratitude,
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Day 3
FALL has arrived in Arizona.
Windows are open and I am LOVING it !!!
Oh Fall we have been waiting for you and are so happy you have arrived.
- Fri
77 / 57 - Sat
65 / 45 - Sun
68 / 44 - Mon
67 / 48 - Tue
68 / 48 - Wed
74 / 47
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Day 2
Today is Wednesday. I am so grateful for my sister-in-law Jamie
who has been helping us every Wednesday watch Malorie while Morgan is on bedrest so I
can go to work. What a wonderfully supportive family we have. How awesome is has been
not to have to worry about her. We know she is being loved and taken care of. Malorie is so
lucky to spend time over there. Thanks Jamie I ♥ You !!!!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Two Brothers Apart - A 5000 Day Project
I watched this movie twice in the last week. Probably by far the best movie I have seen in a very long time. It was so raw and so real. It spoke to my heart. It was about real relationships and honesty. It is about families.
Day 1
Today I am so
thankful that the transmission shop is done with my car and she seems to be
fixed. Never realized how much I truly <3 being a mini-van mom. She might be
old. But she is paid for :)
30 Days of Gratitude,
Attitude of Gratitude,
Season of Gratitude
As the first day of November is upon us let us look on this holiday season with an Attitude of Gratitude. Sometimes life's challenges can seem somewhat overwhelming but it is amazing what can happen when we stop and take a moment to realize all we have to be grateful for. I challenge myself and all those who wish to join to take a moment each day this month and reflect on something you are grateful for.
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