I am going to be a grandma !!!!
Morgan and Trent are expecting a baby June 5th (Coleton's Birthday)
I am so excited !!!
I am so grateful for families and being part of such an amazing one. I love them all so much. Morgan was able to call everyone and give them the exciting news. She got to call my grandma and let her know she was going to be a Great, Great Grandma. She was thrilled.
My mom and Don's parents are both overjoyed to have their first Great Grandbaby.
I have been thinking about my dad lately and how much he would would have loved being a great grandpa. He loved those babies. You could often find him sitting in his chair with a baby on his lap. I am comforted to know that my dad is spending some precious time with this little spirit that is about to embark on this journey of mortal life here on this earth. I could not ask for anyone better to give direction and counsel than my father. It brings me peace knowing that my dad will have the opportunity to see my grandchildren off before they come here to earth.
“Next to eternal life, the most precious gift that our Father in Heaven can bestow upon man is his Children.” David O. McKay.
I believe that the greatest treasure that one can possibly inherit is gaining the continuation of the family unit in the eternities. So grateful for my knowledge that FAMILIES ARE FOREVER and I have a wonderful family that I will spend eternity with.
It's sad that some people don't feel that way.
YAY! Congratulations to all of you! That is very exciting news!
Yea for the happy couple! That is wonderful. What a blessing. HOpe you are doing well friend!
Yay!! Congratulations! That's so exciting!!
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