Well last night at 11pm I dropped off Don and Coleton to board the bus to California. When they arrive in Long Beach they will get on board a boat that will take them to Catalina Island where they will participate in the C.I.M.I. JUNIOR SEA CAMP for 3 days.

Marissa, Dylan and Karleigh have all had the opportunity to go on this trip and Coleton has listened to their stories and viewed the photos and now it was finally his turn. They were so excited. At that very moment I was reminded of how lucky I was to be married to such an incredible man. You can imagine approximately 90 sixth grade students and every parent wanted the As I drove away, tears swelled in my eyes - how blessed I am to be married to him. How blessed I am for the choices he has made that made him stand out among the rest. All the applicants had to go through a strict screening process and then had to be selected by a panel of teachers and administrators. Because of his community involvement and leadership with the youth he was one of their first picks. So see all the years of scouting and service pay off. One of the teachers on the board has a son that plays little league and she said if he can handle all those boys in Little League we need him on this trip. I am excited for Coleton to have his dad with him to create memories of a life time.

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