Friday, January 23, 2009
{We Have Arrived}
Janna and I arrived safely in sunny California (NOT) It is dark, cloudy and rainy. But we usually go from the hotel to the convention center and never venture too far so we are fine. But it is definitely curly hair weather. I am excited to see everyone and all the new product releases. I know that things will be fine at home and I am going to truly enjoy this nice little get away with my buddy Janna. I'll be back . . . .
Thursday, January 15, 2009
{Miracles Happen}

Let the music begin . . . . just humor me and sing at least one line of the song from Princess Diaries "When You Believe". This is the song that has been going through my head for the past couple of months as I have sat and watched this relationship between Morgan and Trent evolve.
Miracles happen, miracles happen
You showed me faith is not blind
I don't need wings to help me fly
Miracles happen, miracles happen
I can't imagine, living my life without you now
Not ever having you around
We found our way out (on you I can depend)
Don't have to look back, to realize how far we've come
There are million reasons
I'm lookin up I don't want this to end
Nothin Nothin should ever bring you down
Knowing what goes around will come around
You showed me faith is not blind
I don't need wings to help me fly
Miracles happen, once in a while
When you believe (miracles happen)
You showed me dreams come to light
That takin a chance on us was right
All things will come with a little time
When You believe
There is no question we found the missing pieces
Our picture is complete
It's fallen into place (it's fallen into place)
This is our moment, you and I are looking up
Someone is watching over us
Keeping me close
Closer to you everyday
Nowhere on earth i'd rather be
No one can take this away from you and me
You showed me faith is not blind
I don't need wings to help me fly
Miracles happen, once in a while
When you believe (miracles happen)
You showed me dreams come to light
That takin a chance on us was right
All things will come with a little time
When You believe, When you believe
The soul is a shining light
When you believe
The heart has the will to fight
You can do anything, don't be afraid
We're gonna find our way
You showed me faith is not blind
I don't need wings to help me fly
Miracles happen, once in a while
When you believe (miracles happen)
You showed me dreams come to light
That takin a chance on us was right
All things will come with a little time
When You believe
Morgan met Trent through a Young Single Adult group this past fall. They chatted on the phone often and right after Thanksgiving they went on their first date. Let me just tell you it was about that time I was praying with the most sincere heart that a miracle would take place. She was given the most amazing priesthood blessing by President Ogden that promised she would return to FULL health and have no lasting effects as long as she did what the doctors said. So I knew I had to have faith that all would be well.

Here is the sweetest part - he called Don this week and asked if he had some time to talk with him. Tuesday night Trent asked Don if he could have his blessing and his permission to ask his daughter for her hand in marriage. He wanted to spend the rest of eternity with her. Of course Don gave him his blessing because seriously, it is exactly what we were hopping for. They love each other so much.They will be married sometime this summer once they coordinate schedules with both families. Trent also comes from a big family of 6 kids. 3 boys and 3 girls. He is the youngest. He is from Colorado where most of his family lives. So let the plans begin. I am so excited for the next couple months and really want to focus on making it very special and very memorable for both of them.

Morgan and Trent
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Well last night at 11pm I dropped off Don and Coleton to board the bus to California. When they arrive in Long Beach they will get on board a boat that will take them to Catalina Island where they will participate in the C.I.M.I. JUNIOR SEA CAMP for 3 days.

Marissa, Dylan and Karleigh have all had the opportunity to go on this trip and Coleton has listened to their stories and viewed the photos and now it was finally his turn. They were so excited. At that very moment I was reminded of how lucky I was to be married to such an incredible man. You can imagine approximately 90 sixth grade students and every parent wanted the As I drove away, tears swelled in my eyes - how blessed I am to be married to him. How blessed I am for the choices he has made that made him stand out among the rest. All the applicants had to go through a strict screening process and then had to be selected by a panel of teachers and administrators. Because of his community involvement and leadership with the youth he was one of their first picks. So see all the years of scouting and service pay off. One of the teachers on the board has a son that plays little league and she said if he can handle all those boys in Little League we need him on this trip. I am excited for Coleton to have his dad with him to create memories of a life time.

Friday, January 9, 2009
{One Little Word}
For the past couple of years I have followed Ali's lead and chosen a word to focus on. My first word was {HOPE} . Last year my word was {FOCUS}
This year my word if going to be
FAITH: "faith is the substance (assurance) of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1).
"If ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true" Faith is a principle of action and power. Whenever we work toward a worthy goal, we exercise FAITH. We show our hope for something that we cannot yet see.
So this year my FOCUS will be to simply have FAITH. To know that if I do my best, the Lord will take care of the rest. This brings me such peace. FAITH and Fear cannot exist at the same time. So I choose FAITH.
FAITH is much more than passive belief.
We express our FAITH through action—by the way we live.
In order to have FAITH we must BELIEVE in ourselves. My friend Katie gave a fabulous lesson on Sunday to our Young Women about BELIEVING they truly are a daughter of God. Her object lesson was that if you don't BELIEVE in YOURSELF and your PURPOSE here in life that you are just living a beLIEve. This helps me to remember to be true to myself and things I know are true. I look forward with HOPE and FAITH that 2009 will be a wonderful year.
I have already seen many miracles come to pass and heard many answers to prayers.
Life is good. And I have FAITH that
“In the strength of the Lord, I can do all things"(Elaine S. Dalton)
I have many goals for 2009 that I will take a minute and share later, but for now I need to go and get some work done.
{Been Scrappin}
Here is the cute poem I used this year to help simplify my holidays , but still do something nice for my friends. Made this cute little wrapper to put on boxes of chocolate and candy bars.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
{Happy New Year}
Busy day . . . Great Day. . . Happy 2009 - I love the promise and hope a new year brings. I got this little thought in my inbox this morning and I thought I would share . . .
"This is the beginning of a new year, and each of us might well say to himself,
“Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Let me begin now to prepare for eternal life, that I may know a fullness of joy and happiness now and forever.”
After all, this is really what each of us wants, and it is most important that we take time to find out how to get it and begin now to work at it day by day."
--N. Eldon Tanner, "Just for Today", New Era, Jan 1975, 4
--N. Eldon Tanner, "Just for Today", New Era, Jan 1975, 4
May 2009 bring you health, prosperity and happiness
while surrounded by the ones you love !!!!!
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