Homecoming Update - Dylan asked his date to homecoming and I wish I would have gotten a picture of his very creative invite. She really likes jamba juice and so he bought a Styrofoam cooler and a large jamba juice and around the cup he had all the homecoming details. Then he filled the cooler with ice and on the top of the cooler it said. "This was this "smoothiest" way I could think of asking you to homecoming. It was cute . . . then Friday morning when I was dropping Karleigh off at seminary I saw the girls doing this to his car . . . . . . They also had it dotted with oreo cookies, but those came off before I got a shot of it. He is going with his 2 best friends Matt & Coy and their dates and so it should be alot of fun.

Then we had an uplifting and inspiring weekend. Exactly what I needed. General Conference truly spoke to my heart and filled my cup. I am re-assured and comforted in knowing that my Heavenly Father is listening to and hears my prayers at this time in my life. My testimony is strengthened and I have strength to endure. The spirit could be felt so strongly at times that it brought tears to my eyes. I am thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life.
Then last night I took Karleigh and the boys to my brother and sister in laws house (Steve and Karen) for a little birthday celebration for Karleigh. With all that has been going on Karleigh's family birthday party kinda got missed and so we wanted to make sure she knew that we loved her and didn't forget about her. (and besides we are all about getting together for a family gathering any chance we can) It was really cute - because Coleton had asked me Sunday morning and Grant asked Karen the same thing also "don't you think we should get together with our family tonight?" How blessed we are. We did miss Jason and Jamie and the kids. But Jamie had just finished working the Hartford CKC show and had just arrived home and was tired. Traveling coast to coast in a weekend really tires your body out.
We were also very lucky becuase my Aunt Judy is here visiting my mom from Idaho and so we got to see her and her friend Tricia. The weather here is Arizona is getting to be so nice we spent most of the evening on Steve and Karens back porch.

And see that girl right there in the middle . . . . . Miss Marissa I miss you so much !!!!!
i look 12, oh wait thats because i am!
No really you were 14 almost 15 (karleigh's age)
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