Now onto something kinda exciting that I need everyone's help with. Lynn has received an email from a casting director at EXTREME HOME MAKEOVER !!!! Woooooo Hoooooo. Now is where I need your help - read more {here}.
Marissa has been in the Ukraine for 3 weeks now and I she is doing well. We have come to like SKYPE where we can talk over the internet. I love any chance I get to talk to her. It is somewhat difficult becuase they are 10 hours ahead of us. So our nights and days are swapped. But I know she is doing well and learning alot. I know she beleives I am stalking her. But I was having some huge anxiety issues before she left and I was so worried. But I am grateful for a Heavenly Father who knows me and hears my prayers and I know he is watching over her. I have had people put in my path that have someone close to them in Keiv. And it warms my heart when I can say my daughter is in that branch and I know I have people looking out for her.

Well it's time to get back to work - just trying to get a few things checked off my list and blogging was one of them.
To leave with a few last thoughts for today as I was reading President Monson's message he delivered at a regional conference this past weekend. I was touched by the importance of making sure that we are focused on the things of most importance at this time in our lives -
President Thomas S. Monson asked Latter-day Saints to love their neighbors and to put their homes in order. We are all familiar with the scripture he shared "organize yourselves, prepare every needful thing, and to establish a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God."
Making one's home a house of glory includes the need "to be sincere with God. You can not be one person and pretend to be another," he said. "We can't live a lie ... .It is by being consistent that we can assure a house of glory."
A house of order includes time for family, for work, for study, for recreation and for self, and "above all, time for Christ"
Developing a house of God is one where "clean thoughts, noble purposes, ready hearts and ready hands" are dedicated to helping and serving others.
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