Okay so it has been a busy, busy week. But when is it not a busy week when it is summer and kids are out of school. Looks like it is going to take me a couple posts to catch up.
Havasupai Service Project

Well - I stayed home with Morgan, Coleton and Karleigh and Don, Dylan and Logan had an awesome time at the Grand Canyon. Kelly, They left Thursday afternoon (I took a big ole nap after they left because it was alot of work to get everything ready for this service project and trip) for Havasupi village and waterfalls. They drove up to the canyon and arrived there late Thursday night. The older boys wanted to hike down as soon as they arrived. Sounds a little scary letting 4 teenage boys take an 8 mile hike to the bottom of the canyon at 11pm. But once they ate at the Road Kill Cafe they took off.

The rest of the group hiked down at first sun on Friday morning. They arrived in the village and had an awesome time putting together a 4th of July Barbecue and activities for the people of the village. All the kids knew that Friday was a day of service and they were going to be staying in the village. When the boys left I said "I really want you to bond with the little kids" and become their friends. Take a look . . . I think it worked. They camped in the village right in front of the church and enjoyed spending time really getting to know the people of the Supai Village.
Then come Saturday morning they were free to hike and explore the falls. I guess it was a really good thing I wasn't there. I would have probably had a heart attack and dampened all the fun. Remember what 17 year old boys are like ? No fear - so take a look at a few of their adventures.

Take note of the CAUTION sign - do you think that would stop my son ?????

Marissa take a look at your crazy adventurous brother - he is crazy - NO FEAR - now that worries me !!!!!

They were able to attend church in the village on Sunday and then had a potluck at the church to "break the fast" and just enjoyed spending time with each other and socializing with the native Supai people.

They arrived back home on Monday afternoon and they had an incredible time and made many, many memories. I woke up at 5am on Monday morning and just started praying because I knew my baby was taking on an 8 mile hike out of the Grand Canyon. I am so proud of them.
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