I arrived home this afternoon from a wonderful weekend in Manchester. The classes where awesome. I had amazing students and overall it was a good time had by all. We boarded the plane at 6:20 am east coast time - which was 3:20 am Arizona time and spent the next 8 hours on the plane. I must admit I slept most of the time. My sister in law Jamie was at CKC Manchester with Technique Tuesday so she was on my flight home. I wasn't a very good traveling companion becuase I slept almost the entire way. I had huge hopes of getting really far in my reading of "THE HOST'.
But I was so tired I just couldn't keep my eyes open - I got to chapter 7 and I am deifinatley hooked - but it may need to wait until next weekend for me to finish it. We have a busy, busy week this week with Karleigh's 8th Grade Promotion, Morgan's graduation and all the other end of the year activities that come about with the end of the school year. School is out on Thursday !!! Can you beleive it ? I do look forward to my quiet mornings, I can get so much done in a quiet house. Well I need to go and hug my kids and get some laundry done. We are heading over to the Dahl's for dinner. Their oldest son Brad is home from a mission and I haven't got to see him yet - so excited!
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