I got this feel good list from a friend of mine today and I just had to share. Think about them one at a time before going on to the next one. It Does Make You Feel Good, especially the thought at the end of #42.
1. Falling in love.
2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.
3 A hot shower.
4 No lines at the supermarket.
5. A special glance.
6. Getting mail.
7. Taking a drive on a pretty road.
8. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
9. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.
11. Chocolate milkshake (vanilla or strawberry ) They are .99 all summer at SONIC so why not treat yourself.
12 A bubble bath.
13 Giggling.
14. A good conversation.
15. The beach.
16. Finding a 20 dollar bill in your c oat from last winter.
17. Laughing at yourself.
18. Looking into their eyes and knowing they Love you
19. Running through sprinklers.
20. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
21. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
22. Laughing at an inside joke with FRIENDS
23. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
24. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
25. Making new friends or spending time with old ones
26. Playing with a new puppy.
27. Having someone play with your hair.
28. Sweet dreams.
29. Hot chocolate.
30. Road trips with friends.
31. Swinging on swings.
32. Making eye contact with someone cute
33. Making chocolate chip cookies.
34.. Having your friends send you homemade cookies.
35. Holding hands with someone you care about.
36. Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
37. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you.
38. Watching the sunrise.
39. Getting out of bed every morning and being grateful for another beautiful day.
40. Knowing that somebody misses you.
41. Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply
42. Knowing you've done the right thing, no matter what other people think.
Friday, May 30, 2008

- a pic of me (5x7)
- Me & my Hubby (photo space is 5x6 vertical)
- My kiddo's (photo space is 5x6 Vertical)
- My friends (photo space is 6x6)
- My job (photo space is 4x6 horizontal)
- I love teaching (photo space is 3 1/2 x 9 vertical)
- Hobbies (photo space 5x9 vertical)
{Every which way}

Well it's been a week since I last posted. There is nothing quite like feeling you are going in a million different directions trying to make sure that everyones needs are being met. One week of summer here and gone. Can you believe it that Morgan has been a high school graduate for a week ??? Better yet can you believe we are already 1 week into summer vacation. I think this is the first morning that I have not had extra kiddos at my house and half of my children are asleep in their own beds. But I am up early because we have a jam packed morning full of appointments. We have had an awesome first week of summer -
- Dylan is at EFY
- Morgan started volunteering at her preschool, reading stores to her kiddos
- Karleigh is an official HIGH SCHOOL student - YIKES !!!!
- Coleton and Logan started basketball camp
- Logan's baseball team won the semi final game last night and tonight is in the championship - Woooo Hooooo
- Karleigh learned how to start a fire with no matches - very impressive (camp certification)
- All of my kids get extremely tired when they have been doing sleep overs all week.
- We are excited for swim team to start next week
- This is Karleigh's last summer before she can be a lifeguard. She is so excited to be able to work next summer as a lifeguard.
- Marissa is lost in Seattle (not really - she is just working non stop)
- Morgan is going to her first YSA (young single adult) activity on Saturday
- My girls and I enjoyed a movie night last night. I never had a sister when I was a teenager, but mine are just not getting along too well. We have lot's of crying and all that stuff going on alot lately. So last night I said we are doing something with just us girls. Even Brittanie joined us and we went to a movie. We saw Baby Mama - so not what I thought it was going to be. A few too many bad words for me - but it was nice to just be together with just my girls.
I can' believe it is already Friday and one week of summer is gone - yikes. I am busy getting ready to go to CKU Houston and juggling my work with kids and summer. Doing lot's of middle of the night and wee hours of the morning work. Hope everyone else has had a great week.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
{Calling all WORK AT HOME MOMS}
In my quest to get totally organized I have just come across this most awesome website - check her out - she is going to help me in so many ways this summer . . . . {94 Ways to Keep Kids Busy for the Work at Home Parent} She has motivated me - hope she does the same for you.
{What a week}

We survived and I am so glad summer is here. We had an amazingly crazy, crazy week. Karleigh had 8th grade promotion and Morgan had high school graduation. Okay – so you will never believe our graduation ceremony. Let me back up – this week we have had record heat – I think we hit 110 2 days ago and then on graduation night we sat in 60 degrees, blowing wind and pouring rain in the football stadium for Morgan’s graduation. Can you believe it. They had considered moving it inside but then that would only allow 2 tickets per student. So they just crossed their fingers, hoping it would blow over and about 15 min into graduation the thunder began and down came the rain. It was crazy. Who would have ever thought on May 22nd in Phoenix, AZ we would be wet and freezing at graduation ????? It was completely crazy and a graduation no one will ever forget. Anywhoo – I cannot tell you my relief that it is OVER and that she has graduated from high school after missing ½ of her senior year. Wooo Hoooo
Karleigh is now an official HIGH SCHOOLER and she is scared and excited !!!! But lucky for her Dylan will be a senior. Isn’t that every girls dream, to be a freshman and have a very cute older brother that is a senior!!! They get along so well also that it will be so awesome for them to share the beginning and the end of high school together. He will take very good care of her.
As for now – this mom is so happy it is summer !!!!! Now I need to figure out how to keep all these kiddos busy and happy this summer. Yesterday was the first day of summer vacation - let the party begin - they got to sleep in yeah (that means quiet time for mom) I let them sleep in, play with cousins and have the first official summer sleepovers. But, let it be known starting Monday, the freeloading is over! While I promise that I won't make them into my slaves I will expect them kids to work and pitch in doing their fair share around here. I will be working on SUMMER CHORE CHARTS. So if you have any input please share.
As for now any suggestions on how to get girls to stop fighting over and steeling one anothers clothes ????? If I can get problem resolved we will all have a much happier summer.
As for now – this mom is so happy it is summer !!!!! Now I need to figure out how to keep all these kiddos busy and happy this summer. Yesterday was the first day of summer vacation - let the party begin - they got to sleep in yeah (that means quiet time for mom) I let them sleep in, play with cousins and have the first official summer sleepovers. But, let it be known starting Monday, the freeloading is over! While I promise that I won't make them into my slaves I will expect them kids to work and pitch in doing their fair share around here. I will be working on SUMMER CHORE CHARTS. So if you have any input please share.
As for now any suggestions on how to get girls to stop fighting over and steeling one anothers clothes ????? If I can get problem resolved we will all have a much happier summer.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
{it's Hot}

I arrived home this afternoon from a wonderful weekend in Manchester. The classes where awesome. I had amazing students and overall it was a good time had by all. We boarded the plane at 6:20 am east coast time - which was 3:20 am Arizona time and spent the next 8 hours on the plane. I must admit I slept most of the time. My sister in law Jamie was at CKC Manchester with Technique Tuesday so she was on my flight home. I wasn't a very good traveling companion becuase I slept almost the entire way. I had huge hopes of getting really far in my reading of "THE HOST'.
But I was so tired I just couldn't keep my eyes open - I got to chapter 7 and I am deifinatley hooked - but it may need to wait until next weekend for me to finish it. We have a busy, busy week this week with Karleigh's 8th Grade Promotion, Morgan's graduation and all the other end of the year activities that come about with the end of the school year. School is out on Thursday !!! Can you beleive it ? I do look forward to my quiet mornings, I can get so much done in a quiet house. Well I need to go and hug my kids and get some laundry done. We are heading over to the Dahl's for dinner. Their oldest son Brad is home from a mission and I haven't got to see him yet - so excited!
Friday, May 16, 2008
{Bad, Bad Blogger}

Okay so I have no idea how long it has been since I have really blogged. Currently I am sitting in a nice quiet hotel room with my new friends Lynn & Kathy in the beautiful state of New Hampshire. I am teaching for two days at CKC Manchester. I really am having a great time and enjoying all the people. I love teaching and I love making connections with my students. There are so many that I see year after year. I love seeing those familiar faces. We are having a great time. I am having a really hard time with the time change, but I will survive.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
{Happy Mother's Day}
Friday, May 2, 2008
{It's A Good Friday}

Well today I have a little guy named Ty to be my buddy all day (my cute little 5 year old nephew) We are going to take Morgan to physical therapy and then I will take Ty to my (remote) office. (McDonlads next to physical therapy) I take my computer there 3 days a week and set up shop. So he should like that because they have a big play area.
Well, I have lots to do today because we have a big weekend ahead of us - National Scrapbook Day, Prom, Baseball Games, YW Lesson to prepare and a big ole house to clean.
Have a great day my friends.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
{Time to celebrate National Scrapbook Day}
Okay so for all you scrapper's out there or wanna be scrapper's out there. There are so many wonderful events going on this weekend. Check them out and get out there and support your local scrapbook stores . . .
Scrap Happy Sisters - Glendale, AZ is celebrating National Scrapbook Day in a BIG way!!
They are celebrating Women, Mothers, Sisters & Friends with their 1st Ever 3-day
National Scrapbook Day Event!! To accommodate lots of our fellow sisters, this event will be held at the Courtyard by Marriott located near I-17 & Happy Valley Rd. The fun starts Friday, May 2nd at High Noon (12 PM)!! Crop times are: Friday 12 pm to 12 am, Saturday 8 am to 12 am & Sunday 9 am to 3 pm. The 3-day event will include lots of great giveaways, make 'n takes, dinner on Friday, lunch & dinner on Saturday, chocolate, snacks and more!!! All for just $100!
To make this event extra-special, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation!!
Scrapbooks To Remember - Anthem, AZ we will be celebrating in a big way!!!! They are hosting a Crop & Talk, Friday May 2nd from 6p to Midnight & a Scrap-A-Thon, Saturday May 3rd from 9a to Midnight. The cost is $15 for Friday night and $25 for Saturday night. Due to cancellations they do have a few spots still available! As expected, they will be giving away loads of goodies and have lots of fun games planned for their National Scrapbooking Day Scrap-A-Thon! You don't want to miss out. The end of the night giveaway is big!!!! If you can't make the all day event, no worries they still plan on celebrating National Scrapbooking Day in a big way! Come in on Saturday, May 3rd and spend $30 in the store and you will have a chance to spin the Wheel of Scrap-Fortune! The wheel has everything from free product to free classes, and of course one lucky person will win big!!! You don't want to miss out.
Scrapology - Gilbert, AZ - all day crop from 10 - 8 . Unlimited snacks & water and dinner will be served all for $30.Scrapology is turning 1!Saturday, May 320% off sale from 10 til 8(excludes classes, crops, kits, sale items, jewelry and scrap sacs)make & takes - prizes
Devine Memories - Gilbert, AZ - Get a jump start on National scrapbook day... Join Devine Memories for a Friday night crop from 6-midnight - good food, good fun and great prizes! Call the store today to reserve your place 480-813-2093
Spectacular Scrapbook Day savings Saturday May 3rd when you spend the following...
$1-$15 save 5% on your ENTIRE purchase
$16-$30 save 10% on your ENTIRE purchase
$31-$50 save 15% and... $51 and above save 20% on your ENTIRE PURCHASE!
Stop by the store anytime Saturday for a gREAT make-n-take
Melrose Vintage - Phoneix, AZ - is celebrating NSD with a Special Guest teacher, Carolyn Peeler from Vancouver, BC. She is the senior creative director from Melissa Frances Co. She is teaching Glittery Memory Board, using Rusty Pickle 1847 Chipboard Alphabet covered with silver glass glitter. Cost $65, Saturday May 3rd 6:30 PM.
Pages In Progress - Tucson, AZ - Celebrate their first "National Scrapbook Day".
1.Every $25.00 spent this week you get a chance in a DRAWING for a 3 Day 2 Night stay for 6 people on a Private Yacht in San Diego. Including a 3 Hour Bay Cruise on one of those days. (See Details Below).
2. Every Class that you sign up for Earns TWO chances in the Drawing. (Excluding the special classes offered on May 3rd).
3. Quick Classes scheduled throughout the Day.
4. Sales throughout the store.
5. Giveaways.
"Yacht Trip Giveaway"
Ok, here are the details on the Drawing.Every $25.00 spent in the store this week earns one chance in the Drawing. Every Future Class you sign up for earns you Two Chances in the Drawing. It does not include the special classes offered on May 3rd.
MUST BE PRESENT TO WINDRAWING - 4:00pmSATURDAY, MAY 3rd, 2008This is a 3 Day 2 Night Stay on a 57' Carver and docked in Downtown San Diego at the Marriott Marina. **Transporation to and from San Diego is not included and is the responsibility of the winner.** The Yacht has three bedrooms and two bathrooms as well as a Galley. A Barbeque, refrigerator, etc are on the upper deck. You would have full use of the Marriott Hotel Amenities. (Room Service from the Hotel is available at your own cost.) The winner will also enjoy a Bay Cruise on the Yacht on one of the days or nights of their stay with our Captain. Walking Distance to Seaport Village, San Diego's Gaslamp Quarter, Petco Park etc. GOOD LUCK!!!
"Special Priced Classes - Every Hour"
There will be classes every Hour starting at 10:30am. Each Class is limited to 25 People. Sign up and have some Fun!! Spend the Day and take them all!! We will do Giveaways at all Classes!! Here are a few of the classes
10:30am - 12x12 Layout Class $5.00
11:30am - Gift Card Holder $5.00
12:30pm - Dbl Page Layout $9.00
Yes, there will be many items on Sale. Some of the Sales will be announced and others will be "In Store" specials only.
Making Memories Unforgettable - Tucson, AZ - Saturday, May 3rd - Our Anniversary Sale is our biggest and best sale of the year. It's also National Scrapbooking Day, so that's two reasons to celebrate. The first 24 customers will receive a free EK Travel Journal Kit, so get here early. For every $10 you spend, you'll get a raffle ticket to enter our goody bag drawing for a tote filled to the brim with scrapbooking products. Estimated retail value is over $100!!!
The Sale is based on how much you spend:
- Spend $20, get 10% off your total purchase
- Spend $35, get 15% off your total purchase
- Spend $50, get 20% off your total purchase
- Spend $75, get 25% off your total purchase
So join us this Saturday, May 3rd for great savings, make n takes, and an exciting goody bag drawing. You can also vote in our newest store designer contest!
Our annual Anniversary Scrap-A-Thon begins Saturday afternoon at 5:00 pm and continues for 24 hours with the last scrappers checking out at 5:00 pm on Sunday afternoon.
The Mad Scrapper's - Cave Creek, AZ - info coming soon
Family Scrapbook Studio - Queen Creek, AZ - info coming soon
If there are any blog readers that live up in the great northwest check out Paper Pals - they have two fabulous locations one in Pullman, Washington and one in Moscow, ID
Scrap Happy Sisters - Glendale, AZ is celebrating National Scrapbook Day in a BIG way!!
They are celebrating Women, Mothers, Sisters & Friends with their 1st Ever 3-day
National Scrapbook Day Event!! To accommodate lots of our fellow sisters, this event will be held at the Courtyard by Marriott located near I-17 & Happy Valley Rd. The fun starts Friday, May 2nd at High Noon (12 PM)!! Crop times are: Friday 12 pm to 12 am, Saturday 8 am to 12 am & Sunday 9 am to 3 pm. The 3-day event will include lots of great giveaways, make 'n takes, dinner on Friday, lunch & dinner on Saturday, chocolate, snacks and more!!! All for just $100!
To make this event extra-special, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation!!
Scrapbooks To Remember - Anthem, AZ we will be celebrating in a big way!!!! They are hosting a Crop & Talk, Friday May 2nd from 6p to Midnight & a Scrap-A-Thon, Saturday May 3rd from 9a to Midnight. The cost is $15 for Friday night and $25 for Saturday night. Due to cancellations they do have a few spots still available! As expected, they will be giving away loads of goodies and have lots of fun games planned for their National Scrapbooking Day Scrap-A-Thon! You don't want to miss out. The end of the night giveaway is big!!!! If you can't make the all day event, no worries they still plan on celebrating National Scrapbooking Day in a big way! Come in on Saturday, May 3rd and spend $30 in the store and you will have a chance to spin the Wheel of Scrap-Fortune! The wheel has everything from free product to free classes, and of course one lucky person will win big!!! You don't want to miss out.
Scrapology - Gilbert, AZ - all day crop from 10 - 8 . Unlimited snacks & water and dinner will be served all for $30.Scrapology is turning 1!Saturday, May 320% off sale from 10 til 8(excludes classes, crops, kits, sale items, jewelry and scrap sacs)make & takes - prizes
Devine Memories - Gilbert, AZ - Get a jump start on National scrapbook day... Join Devine Memories for a Friday night crop from 6-midnight - good food, good fun and great prizes! Call the store today to reserve your place 480-813-2093
Spectacular Scrapbook Day savings Saturday May 3rd when you spend the following...
$1-$15 save 5% on your ENTIRE purchase
$16-$30 save 10% on your ENTIRE purchase
$31-$50 save 15% and... $51 and above save 20% on your ENTIRE PURCHASE!
Stop by the store anytime Saturday for a gREAT make-n-take
Melrose Vintage - Phoneix, AZ - is celebrating NSD with a Special Guest teacher, Carolyn Peeler from Vancouver, BC. She is the senior creative director from Melissa Frances Co. She is teaching Glittery Memory Board, using Rusty Pickle 1847 Chipboard Alphabet covered with silver glass glitter. Cost $65, Saturday May 3rd 6:30 PM.
Pages In Progress - Tucson, AZ - Celebrate their first "National Scrapbook Day".
1.Every $25.00 spent this week you get a chance in a DRAWING for a 3 Day 2 Night stay for 6 people on a Private Yacht in San Diego. Including a 3 Hour Bay Cruise on one of those days. (See Details Below).
2. Every Class that you sign up for Earns TWO chances in the Drawing. (Excluding the special classes offered on May 3rd).
3. Quick Classes scheduled throughout the Day.
4. Sales throughout the store.
5. Giveaways.
"Yacht Trip Giveaway"
Ok, here are the details on the Drawing.Every $25.00 spent in the store this week earns one chance in the Drawing. Every Future Class you sign up for earns you Two Chances in the Drawing. It does not include the special classes offered on May 3rd.
MUST BE PRESENT TO WINDRAWING - 4:00pmSATURDAY, MAY 3rd, 2008This is a 3 Day 2 Night Stay on a 57' Carver and docked in Downtown San Diego at the Marriott Marina. **Transporation to and from San Diego is not included and is the responsibility of the winner.** The Yacht has three bedrooms and two bathrooms as well as a Galley. A Barbeque, refrigerator, etc are on the upper deck. You would have full use of the Marriott Hotel Amenities. (Room Service from the Hotel is available at your own cost.) The winner will also enjoy a Bay Cruise on the Yacht on one of the days or nights of their stay with our Captain. Walking Distance to Seaport Village, San Diego's Gaslamp Quarter, Petco Park etc. GOOD LUCK!!!
"Special Priced Classes - Every Hour"
There will be classes every Hour starting at 10:30am. Each Class is limited to 25 People. Sign up and have some Fun!! Spend the Day and take them all!! We will do Giveaways at all Classes!! Here are a few of the classes
10:30am - 12x12 Layout Class $5.00
11:30am - Gift Card Holder $5.00
12:30pm - Dbl Page Layout $9.00
Yes, there will be many items on Sale. Some of the Sales will be announced and others will be "In Store" specials only.
Making Memories Unforgettable - Tucson, AZ - Saturday, May 3rd - Our Anniversary Sale is our biggest and best sale of the year. It's also National Scrapbooking Day, so that's two reasons to celebrate. The first 24 customers will receive a free EK Travel Journal Kit, so get here early. For every $10 you spend, you'll get a raffle ticket to enter our goody bag drawing for a tote filled to the brim with scrapbooking products. Estimated retail value is over $100!!!
The Sale is based on how much you spend:
- Spend $20, get 10% off your total purchase
- Spend $35, get 15% off your total purchase
- Spend $50, get 20% off your total purchase
- Spend $75, get 25% off your total purchase
So join us this Saturday, May 3rd for great savings, make n takes, and an exciting goody bag drawing. You can also vote in our newest store designer contest!
Our annual Anniversary Scrap-A-Thon begins Saturday afternoon at 5:00 pm and continues for 24 hours with the last scrappers checking out at 5:00 pm on Sunday afternoon.
The Mad Scrapper's - Cave Creek, AZ - info coming soon
Family Scrapbook Studio - Queen Creek, AZ - info coming soon
If there are any blog readers that live up in the great northwest check out Paper Pals - they have two fabulous locations one in Pullman, Washington and one in Moscow, ID
{It's all good . . . kinda}
Well, I am not having a pity party - but I am kinda sad. This is the first year since Karleigh was 3 (She is now 14) that I have not attended Women's Conference at BYU. All my friends are there and I am not. (but remember I am not having a pity party) Okay so maybe everyone is not there . . . My mom and Angie didn't get to go this year either. And my sister-in-laws Jamie and Karen didn't go. So I guess I am not the only one. I am just missing it bad. I just felt it was really important to stay home with Morgan. We are so close to graduation that I didn't want to take any chances to have something go wrong. Because the last thing I would want is for her to have to start this semester all over again. I was really looking forward to spending some nice quality time with one of my very best friends Lynn (we have been friends since we were 14 and now we are really, really old) She is there and so are Carol and Mylie. Then Carol calls and says "guess who I saw". I said "oh I am sure I am the ONLY one not there. But really I know I am not. I am going to try and catch the couple sessions that they will be airing on BYU TV today between appointments.
Last night Morgan was recognized at The Young Women Recognition Night. There were 11 girls who had earned their award and they all spoke about Personal Progress and they did really well. It is so nice to see her getting back out into life again. Baby steps. Hopefully today she will go to school for a few hours and work on her senior essay without any distractions from being at home.
Marissa is alive and well in Seattle, Washington. Actually she is really in Kent, Washington. She will be a work-a-holic until August 1st. So not alot of time to talk to her except for her saying "I am doing good mom, I love you, gotta go"
So I am off to get busy . . . no more thinking about where I wish I was.
Last night Morgan was recognized at The Young Women Recognition Night. There were 11 girls who had earned their award and they all spoke about Personal Progress and they did really well. It is so nice to see her getting back out into life again. Baby steps. Hopefully today she will go to school for a few hours and work on her senior essay without any distractions from being at home.
Marissa is alive and well in Seattle, Washington. Actually she is really in Kent, Washington. She will be a work-a-holic until August 1st. So not alot of time to talk to her except for her saying "I am doing good mom, I love you, gotta go"
So I am off to get busy . . . no more thinking about where I wish I was.
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