Our friend John put together an amazing video of the boys for the court of honor. While looking through photos of Dylan it was fun to see him and Kelly (my oldest brothers son) through the years. It made me really stop and appreciate the fact that I am so blessed to have both of my brothers and their families within 10 minutes of me. That we have been able to raise our kids together and no matter what my kids have cousins that are like their best friends and the best part is they will have each other forever. Dylan and Kelly are only 9 months apart and it has been so awesome for them to grow up together. They each still have their own friends. But they always know they have each other. That is how it is with all the cousins. I am so grateful for the incredible bond they all share. All 13 of them.
Oh my gosh....are those the cutest pictures or what??!! I think my favorite picture is the one of them at the fire statiion all decked out!!! And, you're right, your family is incredibly lucky to all live in the same town! I would give ANYTHING to be able to see all of my children and grandchildren often, and have them grow up together!!! We just have to treasure our "too seldom" visits! :0)
Wow, I am sitting here crying..what a wonderful surprise to open up your blog and see those great pictures of Dylan & Kelly together. They are such a pair.. I too love the one in the fireman outfits.. It has always been one of my favorite pictures & I remember it being on Grama Terry's fridge forever.. Thanks for sharing . Mom
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