Tuesday, December 30, 2008
{Blurred Memories}
Monday, December 29, 2008
{Soul Food}
Thank you Janna - I love it !!!!
{2008 Christmas Card}
So does it count that they were printed on Dec 1st ??? These photos were taken on a very hot late August afternoon and my boys were not well pleased with all the photos we were taking. So I included one below with all the cousins that is actually my favorite.
I have just been a bit busy and I promise they will be mailed by the end of the week. Last year I had some of my peeps express their disappointment in me for not sending our annual Christmas Card and letter. (The first time in almost 22 years of marriage) I too look forward to that once a year picture and letter received from family and friends bringing us up to date on their happenings and seeing how much their families have grown. So I just wanted to make a promise that they will be out my door soon. We have so much to be thankful for this year. We have had so many trials. But after every trial there is always a rainbow of blessings and the blessings have come and we truly have felt them.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas and A Much Needed Day Off
We had such a wonderful Christmas week. We had Marissa home for a week and now I am truly missing her. Words can not even explain how amazing this girl is. Words cannot even explain how much I love her.
What a wonderful week we had - Emily & Paul's wedding, A wonderful Family Night at Jason and Jamie's with our entire family - the only person missing was my dad and I am sure he was with us, An evening spent at the Forgotten Carols performance, and then Christmas Eve was spent providing Christmas for our foster daughters family (3 adults and 5 children) the look of joy in their eyes was priceless. The kids enjoyed a visit to Grandma Jeans to decorate cookies and watch the Reflections of Christ. Then Christmas morning we had Don's sisters over and then the rest of Christmas day was spent at my brothers with my family. I love family time. No place I would rather be.
There were many gifts given and received and everyone seemed well pleased - but the greatest gift I am thankful for is the gift my Savior gave me. I am grateful for the Atonement. I am grateful for the promise of eternal families. I love my family more than anything this world could ever offer. It brings me such peace knowing that my Heavenly Father knows me individually, just as he knows you and he is there for us through it all.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas - thank you for your love and support through everything. We have been truly blessed with such loving , caring people in our lives.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
{ahhhhh . . . . family}
Thursday, December 11, 2008
{Missing His Big Sister}
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Lord has promised each of us -
“Be of good cheer, little children; for I am in your midst, and I have not forsaken you.”
God is our Father. We are His children. He loves us. He desires our happiness here in this life and for all eternity. At this wonderful time of year let us always remember that Jesus is the Christ. Through Him, we can find peace in this world.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
{Come What May and Love It}
{It's Official}
{Such Handsome Boys}
These boys are stylin' - Cool Conelly Packard & Cool Coleton Paolacci
Coleton, Zach, Mason, Dillion & Conelley with Bishop Davis
Sunday night our ward held it's annual "Priesthood Preview" this is a special night just for the 11 year old boys. This is a special opportunity for the Bishop to meet with the boys and their parents and help boys understand the importance of the priesthood and strengthen their commitment to prepare to receive it when they turn 12 years old. All of the boys (except Dillion) have older brother's who hold the priesthood and have watched their examples and are excited for this next step in their life. It was a very special evening with Mason Jennings giving a wonderful talk, Ed Packard Speaking about the example his father set for him being a worthy priesthood holder and then Conelley played a wonderful piece on his cello. The evening concluded with a special message from the Bishop and of course refreshments.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
{December Monday Night Traditions}
{Paolacci Family Thanksgiving}
Cute little Matthew enjoying his dinner !!!
Jade just loved playing with all of Matthew's toys (did we mention he is the kid that has EVERYTHING)
{Thanksgiving at the Harper's}
This year we spent Thanksgiving Day at my older brother Steve's house. My sister-in-law Karens family joined us. Such good food. Karen's twin sister is a gourment pastry chef and so she always bring so yummy, yummy food. This year it was a key lime tart. And my brother Steve is quite the cook. My pictures from Thursday are all blurry and it makes Steve's face look all weird and Kathryn looks as though she is almost invisible in front of the fridge. But I still remember the memory and I know that it is a bad picture.

Of course the boys were still in the football spirit and spent the majority of their time playing catch in the backyard.

{Thanksgiving Turkey Bowl Recap}
The mountains near our house were barely visible. And below is Mountain View Park were the Turkey Bowl is usually held. On this beautiful November morning it resembled a lake more than an empty field. So they needed to make another plan. The Turkey Bowl must go on!!!!!
Every park they went to seemed to look very similar. So they decided to go to Shadow Mountain High School and see if Paradise Valley Ward (another ward that holds an annual Turkey Bowl) would split the playing field.
Logan and Coleton were so excited to be hanging with the big boys they went along to evaluate the high school fields.
The fields were muddy but it was determined that the games must go on and the mud made for a little more excitement!!!!!
Logan seems to be the one designated to retrieve the ball from the mud holes. He didn't care - he was just so excited to be playing with the "big" guys
(Below) Matt Campbell, Jason Theobald, Dylan and Rob Campbell
Below Dylan, Chris & one of the Elders make a plan to take the other team down.
All in all the Turkey Bowl was a huge success this year. The boys had so much fun. The dads had more fun. I wish I would have gotten a picture of Don when he returned home with his shirt torn to shreds. I am sure he was one crazy guy out there on the football field. If you know him you can just begin to imagine. Of course, his 43 year old body needs about a week to recoup from the Turkey Bowl. But I am so happy it was a good time had by all.