Monday, June 30, 2008
{Tag - Your It}
Two names you go by:
1) Kristan
2) Kris (my dad used to call me Sis)
Two things you are wearing right now:
1) T-shirt
2) Khaki Capri's
Two kids names you still like but didn't get to name any of your kids: (if I would have had a few more)
1) Macknzie, Mallory, Madalynn
2) Chase, Nathan (I love Nate)
Two longest car rides:
1) From Iowa to Phoenix (when Jason and Jamie moved back)
2) Idaho (my family drove from Phoenix to Idaho when I was a kid to visit my Grandparents)
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1) All family vehicles to be in good working condition (It seems as though right when we get one fixed, another has a problem)
2) my scrap area to be magically cleaned and organized (I need enough room, of which I am lacking)
Two animals you have or have had:
1) Dogs - Maggie (boxer), Sopie & Tommy (Chihuahua's)
2. Cat - Bebe (she is the best and we have had her for 10 years now)
Two things you ate today:
1. Isagenix Shake
2. Grapes
Two People you Talked to last:
1) Karen
2. Rachel
Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1) Getting family packed for Havasupai
2) working on medical bills (trying to get everything organized to make sure all of Morgan's bills are getting paid)
Favorite Holidays: (I really enjoy any holiday where my family can be together - I really like holidays when everything is closed and there our no demands from the "world" and you can just enjoy being together)
1) Christmas
2) Thanksgiving
Two favorite beverages:
1) Minute Maid Light Lemonade with Diet Cherry
2) diet coke (but I can't drink it anymore because of the sodium content - have no idea what I am going to do at CHA if I have to pull an all nighter ????)
Two books you read last :
1) Host
2) Twilight Series
Now I am not going to TAG anyone, but if YOU are reading this copy and paste the questions on to your blog, erase my answers and fill in your own and let us get to know you a little more. If you do be sure to leave a comment with your blog address so we can visit.
1) Kristan
2) Kris (my dad used to call me Sis)
Two things you are wearing right now:
1) T-shirt
2) Khaki Capri's
Two kids names you still like but didn't get to name any of your kids: (if I would have had a few more)
1) Macknzie, Mallory, Madalynn
2) Chase, Nathan (I love Nate)
Two longest car rides:
1) From Iowa to Phoenix (when Jason and Jamie moved back)
2) Idaho (my family drove from Phoenix to Idaho when I was a kid to visit my Grandparents)
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1) All family vehicles to be in good working condition (It seems as though right when we get one fixed, another has a problem)
2) my scrap area to be magically cleaned and organized (I need enough room, of which I am lacking)
Two animals you have or have had:
1) Dogs - Maggie (boxer), Sopie & Tommy (Chihuahua's)
2. Cat - Bebe (she is the best and we have had her for 10 years now)
Two things you ate today:
1. Isagenix Shake
2. Grapes
Two People you Talked to last:
1) Karen
2. Rachel
Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1) Getting family packed for Havasupai
2) working on medical bills (trying to get everything organized to make sure all of Morgan's bills are getting paid)
Favorite Holidays: (I really enjoy any holiday where my family can be together - I really like holidays when everything is closed and there our no demands from the "world" and you can just enjoy being together)
1) Christmas
2) Thanksgiving
Two favorite beverages:
1) Minute Maid Light Lemonade with Diet Cherry
2) diet coke (but I can't drink it anymore because of the sodium content - have no idea what I am going to do at CHA if I have to pull an all nighter ????)
Two books you read last :
1) Host
2) Twilight Series
Now I am not going to TAG anyone, but if YOU are reading this copy and paste the questions on to your blog, erase my answers and fill in your own and let us get to know you a little more. If you do be sure to leave a comment with your blog address so we can visit.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
{Do you see this girl?}

Saturday, June 28, 2008
{Love Saturday}
Just taking it easy getting laundry done, working on stuff for the service project, staying inside and staying cool. I am working on my YW lesson and I came across the cutest little quote and it is so fitting for me. You know I don't really ever get that upset very often and when I do I sometimes just think to myself get over it. But a couple weeks ago I had my feelings hurt. I knew I just needed to get over it but I couldn't, it really made me sad. Well now it has been almost two weeks, it never resolved. But I have let it go. Just the fact that I acknowledged my feelings were hurt was all I needed to do. If the other party ever recognizes it really has nothing to do with me. Sometimes you just have to get those feelings out and I did. But when i saw this little quote today on the Suzy Toranto website it just reminded me of getting upset and moving on. (she has some cute stuff there - you should check it out)
Anyways, I am preparing my lesson for tomorrow. The title of the lesson is on "Eternal Perpesctive" i love this lesson. So many good things to talk about. If I can figure out how to get a DVD to play at the right time I think we will start by watching the part in Alice in Wonderland where Alice came to a fork in the road. Which road do I take? she asked. Where do you want to go? responded the Cheshire cat. I don't know, Alice, answered. Then, said the cat, it really doesn't matter.
This road has a quoate by Elder LeGrand Richards said: “God bless you to realize where you came from and the great privileges that are yours. If the veil were rolled back and you could just see one glimpse of God’s great eternal plan concerning you and who you are, it would not be hard for you to love Him, keep His commandments, and live to be worthy of every blessing that He has had for you since before the foundations of the world were laid”
I love teaching Young Women. I know many times I get so much more than they do and my testimony is strengthened.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
{Water Fun}

So these two little kiddos were anxious for me to get feeling better so they could come have a sleepover at Grandma and Papa's (for those who are just joining we used to do foster care and have grown foster daughters and now have two grandbabies) They city just remolded our neighborhood park and installed this water spray pad. It is so much fun. Of course we were out there at 7:30 am before the 115 degree heat hit and it was just perfect. Makes for some nice long naps. :)
Supai Village Service
Just have to share a very exciting project that my family and a few other families in our ward and Church Missionaries in the Supai Village are organizing. It is a 4th of July Family Fun Day for the Supai Village. Our objective is to unify the community and bring the families closer together. The Supai village is located in Havasupai at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I was so surprised to learn that so many families live in the village. The access to the village is by Helicopter, Mule or by foot.
The missionaries from Supai village have observed a weakening in the Family unit; hence the struggles (even suicide) of youth are increasing in the Tribe. The families have a unique challenge, because many of the youth leave the village to seek higher education. For several months each year, families are separated.
Learn more about the Supai Village {HERE}
We are anticipating 200+ residents of the Havasupai Indian Reservation to attend on July 4th, 2008. For this Family Fun Day, we’ll be organizing games with prizes, a potluck dinner, family photo portraits and then taking those family photos and creating decorated chipboard picture frames for them to display in their homes.
It should be an awesome experience for all involved. Don has my little boys in training. They have been hiking various mountains in preparation for their hike down and UP the Grand Canyon.
The missionaries from Supai village have observed a weakening in the Family unit; hence the struggles (even suicide) of youth are increasing in the Tribe. The families have a unique challenge, because many of the youth leave the village to seek higher education. For several months each year, families are separated.
Learn more about the Supai Village {HERE}
We are anticipating 200+ residents of the Havasupai Indian Reservation to attend on July 4th, 2008. For this Family Fun Day, we’ll be organizing games with prizes, a potluck dinner, family photo portraits and then taking those family photos and creating decorated chipboard picture frames for them to display in their homes.
It should be an awesome experience for all involved. Don has my little boys in training. They have been hiking various mountains in preparation for their hike down and UP the Grand Canyon.
{Busy Week}
Well I have recovered from that nasty flu that had me down for 5 days. I never really get sick so this was crazy. I feel as though I completely lost an entire week out of my life. But it was full swing ahead as soon as I felt better. Monday was Logan's birthday. He is 9 - I can't believe my baby is 9. I can't believe it has been 9 years since I had my last baby. He is the sweetest boy. Always so concerned about his mom. Always giving me hugs and making sure I am okay. He had a hard time when I was sick because he couldn't make it better. Anyways we had fun birthday festivities at Peter Piper with family and friends. We have enough cousins for an entire birthday party so we don't have to look very far in order to through a party. Then Tuesday I taught at Scrap Happy. Now I am diligently working on a service project our family is doing with a couple other families for the 4th of July. I will put that in another post. Life is good. I am learning to get up REAL early so I have quiet hours to work before the hustle and bustle of keeping kids busy on these hot summer days. Well - I am off to run some errands and drop kids off at swim. Have a great day.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
{sorry to be MIA}
But I have been attacked by some very yucky flu. I thought it would be gone by this morning but it is still with me. My head is spinnin and I feel like yuck. It's the trowing up that is killing me. So here's hoping this yuck moves on and out of my house. Be back soon I hope :(
Friday, June 13, 2008
{Happy Birthday Dylan}

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
{What an Amazing Kid}
Okay I am a total softly when it comes to little boys and little league baseball games. Can't really think of anything I would rather do than sit and watch my kids play ball. Now take a look at this clip of a little league game. Looks just like our games and these boys look like they are about 8-10 just like my boys. But take a look at Catcher Adam Bender. He proves how tough he is as he plays his little league games with only one leg. If I were his mom I would be bawling each and every game so proud of his determination.
Catcher Adam Bender proves how tough he is as he plays his little league games with only one leg.
Catcher Adam Bender proves how tough he is as he plays his little league games with only one leg.
{Life is Good}
Okay so life is pretty good here in Phoenix, Az. Don and all the scouts left to go camping on the beach for an entire week. SO you know what that means ??? Cereal for dinner :) I am just home with my three boys and Karleigh. We are getting Karleigh ready to head to girls camp tomorrow. I love girls camp so much. It just didn't work for me to go this year. Don is gone and Morgan will return home late Wednesday night. She went to California to spend a week with her cousin and go to Kayslee's graduation. She comes home on Wednesday night. I think it has been really good for her to take a little trip to the beach. But we will have doctors appointments filing the rest of our week.

So let me ask you this ? What is a mom to do. Dylan turns 17 on Friday. Yesterday he asked me if I have gotten anything for his birthday yet. I said "nope" is there anything in particular you want ? He said well maybe a plane ticket to Indiana. I said "what" ???? What is in Indiana ? He said "a friend I met at EFY" . Eye-ya-eye!!!! My son who has never even acted remotely interested in dating girls wants to go half way across the country to see a girl. He said they have worked it out and he could stay with her grandparents who live close by and I could talk to her parents and we could make sure it is all good. Let me just tell you this is so surprising to me. I guess I have a hard time because I don't know her. But my son says she is a really neat girl and he REALLY wants to go. So I am trying to think of what to do.

SO here are my thoughts - he really needs to get a job. He has been unemployed since spring break. The party is over and it is time to work. The Bank of Mom and Dad is running out of money and he has reached his yearly debit total. SO I am thinking - I give him money for his birthday (and maybe everyone else will also - hint, hint, family) and then if this is what he really wants he will need to purchase his own plane ticket and earn his own spending money. Crazy, crazy huh. Oh if your kiddos are still young - you just wait for all this fun. I love having teenagers and grown kids. But I can assure you I worry way more about them now than I ever did when they were little. But it is always good and so re-assuring when you have tried so hard to teach them correct principles and they come back and say "thank you" for raising me the way you did. So stand-by for further details of Dylan's summer romance. (Good thing she lives in Indiana - she is way cute)
Well, just another fun summer day. I am working on class kits and goodie boxes for my stores. The little boys have basketball camp and then I am trying to talk my kids into going to see College Road Trip with me tonight. It is at the dollar movie theatre and it is that Disney Movie with you know who in it - Donny Osmond. He just makes a quickie appearance. But it looks like a fun show. So we will see. This is what they have been doing most afternoons. I love that all the neighborhood boys like to gather at our house and swim and then hang out in our back room and play games. This is life as we know it and it is good.

As for me. after a long traveling weekend of eating out and drinking way to much diet soda I am ready to do my ISAGENIX cleanse. So I am drinking my shakes today and cleansing tomorrow. I am so ready to feel good - woooo hooooo. Then this weekend we have Creative Escape training. I get to sit back and be a volunteer and just have a good ole time - so excited to spend time with some of my favorite friends.

So let me ask you this ? What is a mom to do. Dylan turns 17 on Friday. Yesterday he asked me if I have gotten anything for his birthday yet. I said "nope" is there anything in particular you want ? He said well maybe a plane ticket to Indiana. I said "what" ???? What is in Indiana ? He said "a friend I met at EFY" . Eye-ya-eye!!!! My son who has never even acted remotely interested in dating girls wants to go half way across the country to see a girl. He said they have worked it out and he could stay with her grandparents who live close by and I could talk to her parents and we could make sure it is all good. Let me just tell you this is so surprising to me. I guess I have a hard time because I don't know her. But my son says she is a really neat girl and he REALLY wants to go. So I am trying to think of what to do.

SO here are my thoughts - he really needs to get a job. He has been unemployed since spring break. The party is over and it is time to work. The Bank of Mom and Dad is running out of money and he has reached his yearly debit total. SO I am thinking - I give him money for his birthday (and maybe everyone else will also - hint, hint, family) and then if this is what he really wants he will need to purchase his own plane ticket and earn his own spending money. Crazy, crazy huh. Oh if your kiddos are still young - you just wait for all this fun. I love having teenagers and grown kids. But I can assure you I worry way more about them now than I ever did when they were little. But it is always good and so re-assuring when you have tried so hard to teach them correct principles and they come back and say "thank you" for raising me the way you did. So stand-by for further details of Dylan's summer romance. (Good thing she lives in Indiana - she is way cute)
Well, just another fun summer day. I am working on class kits and goodie boxes for my stores. The little boys have basketball camp and then I am trying to talk my kids into going to see College Road Trip with me tonight. It is at the dollar movie theatre and it is that Disney Movie with you know who in it - Donny Osmond. He just makes a quickie appearance. But it looks like a fun show. So we will see. This is what they have been doing most afternoons. I love that all the neighborhood boys like to gather at our house and swim and then hang out in our back room and play games. This is life as we know it and it is good.

As for me. after a long traveling weekend of eating out and drinking way to much diet soda I am ready to do my ISAGENIX cleanse. So I am drinking my shakes today and cleansing tomorrow. I am so ready to feel good - woooo hooooo. Then this weekend we have Creative Escape training. I get to sit back and be a volunteer and just have a good ole time - so excited to spend time with some of my favorite friends.
Creative Escape,
Monday, June 9, 2008
{Highlights from Houston}

Kristan, Jane (ScrappinJane) & Cami during Inspiration Stations on Thursday (thanks Jane)
I'll post my Houston Pic's here as I recieve them . . . ..
CKU Houston,
Scrappin Jane
Sunday, June 8, 2008
"Me" Book

As promised here are images from the "ME" book designed by Kathie Davis. Now don't get all hung up on the paper sizes. You have plenty of paper to cover your entire album. SO have fun and get creative. I would love to see your finished project. To see the images closer just click on them to make them larger. Good Luck, Have Fun and keep in touch.
CKU Houston,
ME Book,
Saturday, June 7, 2008
{Thank You Houston}

HOUSTON thank you for being so amazing. I just spent 4 days with the nicest people I have ever met. I can't put into words how awesome the the students (my newest friends) are. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I had the best time. Above are pictures of our Saturday album track and as soon as I get the Friday Album Track Picture I will post those also. It's late, late, late and I just returned from visiting at the crop with so many of my new friends. I have always said the nicest people live in Texas and it is sooooo true. You gals (or I am so sorry Dave - and Gary and Gary and Jade) I meant to say you guys and gals are seriously the domb-digity!!!! But as promised I will post class pictures for those of you finishing up projects. Keep in touch and I love you all.
CKU Houston
Monday, June 2, 2008
Totally Cool Album

Take a look at this Totally Cool Album designed by Rusty Pickle's very own Rachelle Minett
Here is the supply list :
Paper Trimmer/ Cutter
Craft knife and cutting mat
Strong Adhesive
Wet glue or Glue Stick for adhering paper to chipboard Sandpaper
Colored pencils or colored gel pens Black zig writer or gel pen
pencil and eraser
if you have any questions please feel free to email me
{prep, prep, prep}
Just getting ready for CKU Houston - leave my house at 4:30 am Wednesday morning. Trying to get everything done. We are having a birthday party for Coleton tomorrow night. He turns 11 on Thursday. Dylan is packing for Lake Powell (he leaves Wednesday also) and Morgan is leaving for a trip to California with my in-laws to go to Kayslee's graduation. Don will just be left with 3 kids - he is not going to know what to do ????? I'll be back on Sunday and recap then. Life will be much calmer then.
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