What a wonderful conference weekend, so inspired from all the words of inspiration we heard. So touched to witness such a historic conference. What an amazing opportunity to sustain a new Prophet. But kinda sad becuase Sister Susan Tanner was released as the Young
Womens General President, oh how I love listening to her words of inspiration. Such an amazing woman. Sister Elaine Dalton was called to serve as the new Young
Womens General President. She too is an amazing woman and I look forward to watching and learning from her example over the next couple of years. I love General Conference. It usually is the prelude to my trip to Utah for Women's Conference. I am so torn as to what to do this year. I LOVE
womens conference. I have attended for the past 10 years. I love being spiritually fed. It
definitely fills my cup and gives me a re-newed strength. I am just worried about leaving Morgan, we are progressing slowly but surely, but still have so many things we are working through. I guess this is something I take to my Heavenly Father in prayer and hope to be inspired to what is the right thing to do at this time in my life.
Well, it
definitely is a Monday morning around the
Paolacci house this morning. Dylan went to bed not feeling well and would still be lying in his bed not feeling well at all. I don't know what it is - but whatever it is I hope he can sleep it off and feel better soon - I hate it when my kids are sick.
Karleigh had an awesome basketball tournament on Saturday (despite her shin splints) Her team won a medal. Now comes the tough part, she will most likely be chosen to be on the All Star team, but the reality is - she needs to tell her coach her season is over. We have left it completely up to
Karleigh, but we know and she knows that her shin splints will only get worse if she keeps playing. What a tough place to be. She loves basketball and has been looking forward to this all year. But one of her PE coaches pulled her aside the other day and explained to her that it won't get any better until she stops playing basketball. She
encouraged her to rest and save her energy(and legs) for summer basketball camp. We will see what she does. She is 14, kinda thinks she is invincible. I will let you know if mom needs to step in this afternoon.
Well so sorry I only got through an update of half my kiddos - it's time to go wake the boys up for school. And then Morgan and I are off to therapy for the morning.